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When my photograph was selected into the juried Oregon Artists Showcase competition, I thought the judge's dog must have bitten her the very instant she looked my piece. Regardless, there it is hanging on a big wall all by itself, lonely as can be. The photograph (pictured below) needs visitors.
This is probably cheating, but there is a "People's Choice" award given out at the end of the show about March 29–which just happens to be my birthday. As the name implies, People's Choice is determined by the vote of the People, as in visitors. So check out my lonely photo and vote appropriately. (I'm told they do not take phone-in votes.)
Oh yes, show details:
January 31 - March30, 2012
Chehalem Cultural Center
415 E. Sheridan (behind the Newberg Public Library off of Hwy 99W)
Newberg, OR
It's official. But now I need your help. I have a contract with a Chinese publisher to produce a China Wine book. They even paid an advance (in US dollars).
After the publisher, their adviser, Edouard Cointreau, and I choose 10 Chinese wineries as a focus, I determine text and photos. The book will be published in both Chinese and English for a Chinese and Western market.
So here's where I need your input.
What do you think should be included in the book?
What would you like to know about Chinese wine, wineries and vineyards?
Vineyard workers at Chateau Changyu AFIP, one hour out of Beijing. This Winery will definitely be in the China Winery book.
This is my latest effort for the Africa's Undiscovered Myths portion of the Mumm Napa Gallery show. (Go figure, the gallery wanted both Myth and Vineyard images.) But I'm very nervous about how successful this one is; so I would appreciate feedback about what you see.
(It's OK, I can take harsh critics.)
Haska Galeda, the most powerful Hammar tribe shamman (more about that in the show), went to the bush near the neighboring Mursi tribe. During the night he dreamed about a line of white cattle walking towards him. Suddenly, his deceased father appeared in the dream, telling Haska it was OK to take the cattle (more about that in the show), but do not kill the man with the cattle.
When Haska awoke, he saw cattle coming towards him lead by two boys. As his father commanded in his dream, the shaman took the cattle but did not kill the boys.
I am in the process of choosing about 21 vineyard/winery-related photographs to include a one-man (relax, it's politically OK to say man since I'm male) show at the Mumm Napa Gallery in Napa Valley. This will be a huge show from the March 10 to October 5. And it's a fabulous gallery that once showcased Ansel Adams' work.
All together I will show about 50 pieces, 1/2 relating to the vineyard, the remainder from my Africa's Undiscovered Myths Project.
Originally, I was going to show beautiful light on the vineyard landscapes in the hopes of selling work to support the Africa Myth project (and my thirst for good wines). Then I started to show friends, relatives and neighbors a handful of the 75,000 or so photos in my world-wide vineyard collection.
Darn. Their reactions presented an unexpected dilemma. With some of the images, instead of ooohing and ahhhing, the viewers asked lots of "what's-going-on-here" questions. Unfortunately, this forced me to choose between beauty–with the hope of sales–and education, between potential income and documentary education.
Check out the examples below. Then tell me, should the Mumm Gallery show be potential income or education?
Below are potentials from the Beautiful Vineyard Light Landscape Category which I hoped would potentially sell:

Then, like an unwanted house guest, viewers asked lots of questions of images like those below. So I call them Education or Enlightenment Category:
More documentary in style, these show something most people have not seen. And they scream for a caption.

Should I choose beauty with the potential for a sale? Or Educational? Or the Bhuddist middle path?